15 May 2024

How can I improve my hot water this winter?

If you've noticed your hot water isn't up to par, now's the time to address it before winter hits

Here are three ways to enhance your hot water this winter:

  1. Upgrade to a modern electric hot water cylinder for increased efficiency and better insulation.
  2. Have us inspect and adjust all hot water cylinder valves to ensure proper function and settings.
  3. Ensure your hot water cylinder suits your household size, and consider various installation options like outside, in roof spaces, or in the garage.
Hot water cylinders typically last 15-20 years, but regular checks are crucial, especially for older models to prevent potential damage from leaks.

Upgrading or maintaining your cylinder can lead to reduced power bills, thanks to improved efficiency and added leak protection measures.

Expect a cost range of $3100-$3500 plus GST for cylinder replacement, including building and electrical connections.

We prioritise top-notch service and cost-effective solutions. Reach out today to discuss your hot water needs and avoid chilly showers this winter.

To further enhance hot water efficiency during winter, consider these additional tips:

  1. Insulate Hot Water Pipes: Insulating hot water pipes reduces heat loss as water travels from the heater to faucets.
  2. Reduce Hot Water Usage: Conserving hot water decreases the workload on your heater. Install low-flow shower heads and faucets and be mindful of water usage.
  3. Regular Maintenance: Schedule routine maintenance for your hot water system. This includes draining and flushing the heater to remove sediment, which can improve performance.
  4. Lower temperature settings: Lowering the cylinder thermostat to 60°C (this is the minimum setting to kill legionella bacteria). You should also have a tempering valve installed to lower the temperature delivered to Bathroom tapware to a safe temperature of 50°C.
    Lowering your continuous flow water heater setting to 50°C can save energy without sacrificing comfort.
By implementing these strategies alongside the previous recommendations, you can optimise your hot water system for winter, ensuring comfort and efficiency throughout the colder months.